Are You a Connected Manager?

Do you ever feel like you’re managing in a silo? No matter how well you plan, things get stuck because of miscommunication, or different priorities and maybe connections aren’t strong enough. Being a manager isn’t just about ticking off tasks—it’s about building the right relationships.

At Chameleon Skills, we work at all levels of an organization, from graduates to C-suite executives, and we’ve noticed something many managers overlook—the importance of their social networks within the workplace. We’re not talking about office politics, but meaningful connections that help get the work done and create a more collaborative environment.

“The most important things in life are the connections you make with others.”

Tom Ford

Why Connection Matters

Leadership gets a lot of attention these days, and in a chaotic world, responsible and ethical leadership is essential. But senior leaders can sometimes be far removed from daily operations. That’s where managers step in.

“A person who directs or manages an organization, industry, shop, etc.”

Traditional management models focus on Planning, Leading, Organising, and Controlling (PLOC)—all critical to overall success. However, beyond these structured tasks, there’s a human element that directly impacts execution: the quality of our connections and relationships.

The Manager as a Connector

A manager’s role is to translate strategy into action, ensuring teams collaborate effectively. To do this well, they need strong connections—with their team members, senior leaders, other departments, and suppliers. These relationships influence how smoothly the work flows and how well teams collaborate.

A great manager isn’t just a leader—they’re a hub within the organisation’s ecosystem. Each team is part of a broader eco-system, and the strength of a manager’s relationships determines how effectively that system functions.

People are more willing to help and collaborate with those they trust and feel connected to. As a manager, showing genuine interest in colleagues—beyond just tasks—builds trust, credibility, and a culture of collaboration. Problems become opportunities to solve together rather than sources of blame.

“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”

Brené Brown

A Simple Exercise to Assess Your Connections

Draw a circle with yourself in the centre, like the hub of a wheel. Around it, place all your key work relationships like spokes. Then, using a scale from 1 (non-existent) to 10 (close and meaningful), answer honestly:

  • How would you rate the quality of each relationship?
  • How would they rate their relationship with you?

Then answer

  • Can you comfortably ask these people for help or collaboration?
  • Would they feel comfortable approaching you for help or collaboration?
  • Do you connect with them beyond just tasks?
  • Is there someone who could mentor you in building better connections?

Take a little time to reflect on your answers. Is there a score/s that you would like to improve?

Power and influence in organisations often come from informal networks, where people do not get stuck on the hierarchy and just help find solutions. If you want to be an effective manager and grow within your organisation, strengthening your connections is key. And don’t forget—encourage your team to do the same. They interact with people you don’t, which strengthens your team’s overall network.

Not sure where to start? We can help. Visit our website or contact us at

“Invisible threads are the strongest ties.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

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