Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Most of you will have heard the saying:
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift and that is why they call it the present.
We are now being given the gift of a whole new year and its name is 2025!
How are we going to embrace it? We can start by casting an eye over our shoulders and look at what we learned from yesterday (2024). If it was a great year, then we can use it as a foundation to move forward.
What new insights did we get about our life, what makes us happy and where we want to head for next. Remembering that life is a journey, and we are the driver. We just need to adjust our GPS system to find our true north and head off confidently that way.
Ah, but what if yesterday was a really tough year and there were unforeseen challenges and roadblocks? Most of us would have had at least a few of these surprises. In a changing world nothing stays the same for long. Well, here is the good news! You survived!
Yes, that is cause for a celebration. You have proved that you have the resilience skills to persevere, to accept the things you could not change and to work through them. You may have arrived at today a little bruised and battle weary, but just know that you have the ability to accept reality and to move forward. If you can do it once, you can do it again. Maybe this time with the new knowledge from the past experience you can avoid some of the challenges or plan ahead to be prepared.
So here you are standing at the beginning of this new year’s journey. It is like being at a crossroads with different paths that you can choose. M Scott Peck wrote about The Road Less Travelled, and this may be the one for you this year. That means stretching out of your comfort zone and taking on new opportunities. It may seem risky and a little scary, but then if nothing changes, nothing changes, and you could just live 2024 all over again! What a waste of a bright new year!
You could decide to continue on your current journey but make a couple of detours. This could be taking up a new hobby or interest, taking on studies for business or pleasure or learning a new skill. Is there something that you have always wanted to try but didn’t get around to it? Too busy you say but are you busy making a living but not making a life? You didn’t do it yesterday, but you could do it starting from tomorrow.
Need support – get a coach! Someone to support you on the journey sitting in the passenger seat to help you stay on track.
So, a bright shiny new year – the present that has been given to all of us. I am looking forward to it being like pass the parcel. I want to unwrap the different layers each month as I go through the year finding the unexpected gifts inside, passing on the gifts I think belong to others, learning new insights about who I can actually be by the end of 2025. How do I make it a better version of myself?
How do I ensure that I spend time with the significant people in my life? How do I remember to be grateful for every day that I am given the best gift of all – the gift of life.
May you celebrate your yesterdays, live every day and look to tomorrow with excitement and hope.
The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.
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