Author Archives: Chameleon Skills

Navigating Corporate Grief

The world is currently experiencing unprecedented levels of grief. Individuals, families, and countries are grieving....

Leadership For Now

Over the years, many different names and styles have been promoted for leadership, servant leadership,...

Performance Management – A blessing or a curse?

Performance management has avid supporters and detesters in equal measures. Even the mention of it...

Your Organisational Culture Garden

The best metaphor I have encountered for an intentional organisational culture is that of a...

Managing Talent In An Organisation

Often, when we talk about managing talent in an organisation, we think of the person’s...

Adapt to your changing world

So, what’s stopping you? I noticed over the winter that I was daydreaming about what...

Staying Connected in a Disconnected Reality

Our New Reality We are all getting used to the virtual nature of our work...

Chameleon Skills Set Standards Of Excellence

Setting Aspirational Standards In any industry there are always organisations that stand out from their...

Connecting to Create a Climate of Trust

How is your internal climate? Teams are heralded as the means of success for organisations....

Adapting To Change

I consider myself to be a very fortunate person. I had a stable family, was...